Lullaby for a storm
Lullaby for a storm.
Video. 2008
As a political rally by PAD party being held in Bangkok to oust the government in power is being watched on TV by the elders of the farm in a remote north eastern part of Thailand, the growing unrest in the country starts to impact on daily life and two worlds, the personal and the political, the urban and the rural, collide.
Three puppies are missing after a violent rainstorm in the night. Their mother is anxiously searching for them. Small insects have gnawed through the black silk thread warp on Mae Pan’s loom as she slept. She is carefully knotting the broken ends together. Along with the rally blaring on TV, these are the other interruptions in the daily rhythm of life that occupies our minds as a lullaby is sung to soothe little Jumong to sleep.
Lullaby for a storm 2008
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